Fourwards Restaurant Fourwards Restaurant

New Year's Eve Menus Are Here

New Year’s Eve at Fourwards

It wouldn’t be the festive period without us bringing you a NYE menu and part now would it.

Over the NYE weekend, we have got a lot of festivities to offer you such as, a NYE weekend menu which will be running on the 1st and 2nd of January, we will also have specials available to order on these nights as well.

As well as this, we are offering a NYE set menu which will obviously be running on the 31st only and on this night we will be throwing a huge NYE part for you all to come and enjoy celebrating entering the new year. On this night, we ask for an 8 pm arrival and all carriages will be at 1 am.

Both menus consist of your truly seasonal, feel-good dishes to have you feeling all toasty, cosy and satisfied. Of course, we will have our drinks menus available for you to order from on all three nights, and you may even see some festive themed ones on there, so keep a look at those.

The menus for all dates are now live on our website for you to browse, and we are now taking bookings for these dates as well.

We are beyond excited to spend this New Years with you in true Fourwards style, after two years of being restricted, we hope you are too x

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Fourwards Restaurant Fourwards Restaurant

Introducing Our Christmas Menus 2021

We are thrilled to announce that our Christmas 2021 menus are now live for you to view and book for your Christmas meal with us.

We like to get our Christmas menus out in plenty of time so that our customers can plan their Christmas accordingly and get booked in, far enough in advanced.

In previous years, we have been known to book up extremely quickly for the festive season, so giving you all enough time to book your table is our priority.

After the last few years we have all been through, we all deserve to have a wonderful Christmas, so we have tried to craft together a menu that will deliver this experience for you within our restaurant.

You can locate the menus via our menu tab or by going over to our Facebook page and selecting ‘Menu’.

To book your table, please visit the ‘Reservation tab’ or phone the restaurant directly.

We cannot wait to spend this magical time of year with you all, once again.

Fourwards Restaurant Christmas Set Up

Fourwards Restaurant Christmas Set Up

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