Events Fourwards Restaurant Events Fourwards Restaurant

Motown Night WIth Songs By Charlotte

We are thrilled to announce that on the 24th of September, we will be holding a fantastic, ticketed Motown night at our restaurant with beautiful live music from the one and only Songs by Charlotte.

Arrival time is 6:30 pm in which you can order your drinks and be shown to your table, and then the night will kickstart at 7:00 pm

The tickets cost £40 each and include a delectable 3-course meal and live Motown music sang by Charlotte.

Our dance floor will be open for you to wander over to and enjoy a boogie, and of course, 60s attire is welcome!

To order your tickets, you need to phone the restaurant and request to purchase your desired amount of tickets, you will then receive a confirmation email of your order along with your digital ticket.

You will be required to show this email on arrival as proof of your booking.

You do not want to miss out on this wonderful night, to book your tickets please call us on 01455 841556

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